Equipping Churches for Single Parent Ministry

Helping Churches and Leaders Impact Single Parent Families
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Did you know 95% of single parent families are outside the church?

Join us in our mission of reaching and restoring the growing population of single parent families, ensuring every family finds belonging, care and support.

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Why We Exist

Single Parent Ministries was born when a handful of leaders from around the country came together and felt moved by God to focus on educating and equipping churches instead of just running our own individual programs for single parents. We believe a single parent family’s best chance to thrive and have generational transformation hinges on knowing Jesus and being part of a redemptive church family, but that widespread inclusion of these families will never happen apart from educating leaders and changing church culture. By ministering to the unique needs of single parent families, today’s widows and fatherless, the Church not only regains one of our most attractive qualities, we can also most effectively alter outcomes for at-risk kids. God repeatedly commands us to take up the cause of the widow and fatherless, yet if more than a third of all families in our country now fall in that category, and 95% of them are outside the Church, we must acknowledge that a significant course correction is urgently needed. Our goal is to leverage our collective voice and experience to help envision and equip the Church to meet this great need and in the process, bring glory to God and renewed life to his Church.

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Mobilizing the Church to reach and restore the growing population of single parent families.


To see millions of single parent families, today’s widows and fatherless, drawn into a life-changing relationship with Christ as the Church demonstrates His pursuing and sacrificial love, compassion, guidance, and provision. Encouraging and equipping the Church to become the number one place single parent families seek out knowing they will be welcomed, understood, and deeply valued.


Our Mission

Mobilizing the Church to reach and restore the growing population of single parent families.

Our Vision

To see millions of single parent families, today’s widows and fatherless, drawn into a life-changing relationship with Christ as the Church demonstrates His pursuing and sacrificial love, compassion, guidance, and provision. Encouraging and equipping the Church to become the number one place single parent families seek out knowing they will be welcomed, understood, and deeply valued

Who we are

A national team of Christian leaders with decades of experience pioneering single parent family ministry that is focused on the urgency and importance of equipping the Church to meet the needs of a rapidly shifting family structure.

Reviewer of Single Parent Ministires

“It is time for the Body of Christ to rise up, to reach out, to go beyond the walls, to plant ministries and Sunday School classes for these families, to be life, hope, encouragement, and strength – to be the Church.”

– Jennifer Maggio, CEO of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries

Reviewer of Single Parent Ministries

“Single parenting was not God’s desire, but it is a reality which the Church is struggling to address... The Daddy Gap is a must read for every church to enable them to be more effective in reaching the single parents in their communities.”

– Asher Sargeant, Church Missions Coach

I receive your Hope Notes. Today's message about wrestling with God was a confirmation that I needed to end a relationship with someone. I praise God for speaking to me through your ministry.

– Karen, single mom and Hope Notes subscriber.

Praise God for your ministry...This is the need of the hour in our world.

– Dhana, pastor in India.

Melinda from Single Parent Ministries

In the Bible, God repeatedly instructs us to pay special attention to this population (widows and fatherless), and I regret that I didn't notice them or understand the magnitude of their needs until I experienced the struggle firsthand.

– Melinda, single mom and support group participant.